Customs master data, foreign trade law data and encoding
In our opinion, the following aspects are part of the customs master data:
- HS code (customs tariff number, code number, statistical goods number, ...) which, as the basis for many customs and foreign trade issues, must be correct
- Classification of the goods based on the export list and dual-use regulation
- Preferential law master data (processing rules etc.)
- and much more
Our team determines this master data together with you - on the basis of shared experience, knowledge and ideas. You have the necessary product knowledge and we have the knowledge of correct tariffing and classification.
Findings are clustered and we create product lists, tariff and process documentation for you. We're not just talking about these issues. As an extended workbench, we actively implement the tariff / classification for various customers every day.
Of course, a systematic control and re-submission is also required in order to make the tariffs and classification safe in the long term.
If necessary, we can also take care of the data in your systems.
Not necessarily master data in the classic sense, but necessary for a correct customs declaration:
- Procedural codes
- Kind of Store
- and much more
Coding according to EZT is to be mentioned separately because the topic is important and is becoming more and more extensive. Mostly, with the right knowledge and tools, these codes can be understood as master data. For this reason, efforts should be made to centrally define and save these codes once. This enables you to efficiently process your import and export declarations without extensive research in individual cases.
Correct data can be stored and used as "master data". You can also use it to automate export and import processes.